Riding the Rooster
Going to the Beach
Hanging Him out to Dry
Hold your Lighthouse Up High
Holding Her Up
Judy...on her Wedding Day
Judy..she is a Mother
Moving Day
On-line Presence
Selfie Attempt #1
Selfie Attempt #2
Selfie Attempt #3
This is Judy
Trudy and Rudy
Waiting for the Mouse to Leave
Judy..Surfing her Ironing Board
Fixing the Toilet
Hands on Hips
Judy and her Pet Crow
Buoy Holder
Lighthouse Hugger
Image Worthy
Judy and Her Bouquet of Fish
Dinner...a Recurring Problem
Fixer Upper
Judy...it was a Wee Bit Windier than She Thought
Bird, Lighthouse, Bird
Lighthouse Sitting
An Illuminating Guest for Dinner
Hanging Buoys
Judy.. Saving the Lighthouse
Judy and the Gals caught a Big One
At the End of the Day
Judy ..Rocking the Boat.
Holding On
Tits Up
Stay at Home Mom
Judy..in the Tub